Sunday, October 2, 2011

Well, Here Goes Nothing ...

I've never had a blog before.  I've never even wanted one.  I have, however, been working to try figure some things out lately.  After a few comments of encouragement and after keeping up with the blog of someone I consider to be a good friend and a great guy ... I've decided to start one.  You can either thank or berate Rob.  That's up to you. 

I can't promise it will be great.  I can't promise it will inspire.  I can't even promise anyone will want to read it.  I can, however, promise to try my hardest to be honest and to only be me.  I can assume there will be some wit, some humor, and some frustration.  I wouldn't be me without my sarcasm, my dryness, or my at times obnoxious bluntness.  I can guess that I may sound a bit lost at times, but everyone is a bit lost now and again.  If not, they aren't trying to go anywhere.  I hate the feeling of standing still.  I don't do well with it and I never have.  I feel as if there is always more to be done.  Maybe that's the problem lately.  I haven't felt like I'm going anywhere.  I need a destination. 

Anyone that really knows me knows that I can talk a whole lot, but I'm not too keen to talk about me ... at least not anything too personal.  I have no clue what I'll even want to say on here, but I know that I have lot to get figured out.  I may only want to post random things or interests.  I may use this to complain about things I can't control when I think my friends or family don't want to hear it anymore.  I may simply let it sit for weeks at a time with nothing to say.  The point is, I have no expectations and no one else should either.  If nothing else has worked so far, then this surely can't hurt.  (Knock on wood, even if you aren't superstitious)

A wise woman once told me that to find yourself, you have to be willing to find the quiet.  So often we get lost in everyday things and we don't make the time to just hold still and think without interruption.  Interruption by cellphones, computers, television, jobs, friends, responsibilities ... ha, blogs.  Only when you can quiet the rest can you really hear what your heart is saying.  Apparently I am way too noisy for mine, because I doubt it has little to say.  Ms. Sherry Hahn is more wise than she will give herself credit for and shows me the benefits of fully listening to someone.  I'm blessed that she is a part of my life. 

I don't intend to have all posts resemble this one, but then again - You never really know the end result or the finished product.  Any creative person will tell you that.  An intention is simply your plan at the time and in the current place that you stand.  I hope to not stand here too much longer, so with time my intentions will change.  I may not be a lot of things, but I'd like to think I'm creative.  Maybe throughout this blog I'll know for sure. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't have much left to lose, but I'm anxious to get moving.  So ... Here's to the friends and family that have shaped me along the way.  Here's to strength and determination that I possess.  Here's to the stars that may or may not show me the way.  Most importantly, here's to going somewhere... and anyone that wants to come with.



  1. Awesome post, Ms. Nikki. I am pumped you did this. You won't regret it.

  2. Great post Nikki but then again it's no surprise. I saw you day after day for years and was always aware that you never let me (and maybe even yourself) "see you".
    Life is a journey - that's for sure. Being older than you I have had the revelation that I have been completely wrong about what defines me.
    I was once "someone's wife, someone's mother, someone's employee" and I thought I would always be these things - but life has a plan of it's own - now I have to learn how to not be "someone's anything except my own". I have been unpleasantly surprised to realize that I don't know how to do this very well - but I'm learning - because its the right thing to do.
